Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Primetime is back in full swing here at CSUMC! We have an amazing year planned. Dinner begins at 6:00 pm and is $2.50 per person. at 6:30 programming begins.

5:30-6:15, 6:45-7:00: Gospel of John Class with Ray Rhoades.
6:00-6:30: Dinner
6:30-7:15: Children's Choir
6:30-8:00: Primetime Classes
6:30-8:00: Youth ABR and Homework Time in Balcony West
7:15-8:00: Disciples Survivor

Tonight we welcome Brian Doering who will be the Music Director for Children and Youth. Brian is a student at Rockford College and plays the violin (among many of his talents). He brings experience in working with children and youth and will certainly be an asset to our programs. Brian will be here on Sunday Afternoons and Wednesday Evenings. Welcome Brian!

Tonight's Classes:

Gospel of John: Presented by Ray Rhoads

Can the Bible be ‘good news’ for you and me today? Instead of just answering with a simple ‘yes’ – or maybe with ‘no’ – we will explore just how the Bible can have meaning for us today. The Gospel of John holds a fascination probably because of its distinctive style and content. We will explore that uniqueness as we seek meaning. In addition, we will explore contemporary theological interpretations to help us develop meaning for our lives. Regardless of your previous exposure to the Bible you are cordially invited to join others in the adventure.

Wildflower Folklore: Presented by Sharon Carmine.
Come learn the stories behind many of the beautiful flowers that bloom in our area. Presented by a Master Gardener, this class should be very informative

Disciples Survivor: Presented by Rev. Rebecca Butler
In the spirit of last year's succesful "Bible Idol" program, this year we tackle the followers of Jesus. We will be studying "the twelve" as well as the other people who followed Jesus during his ministry. This program is for elementary aged children and involves learning, games and crafts.

Amazing Bible Race enters Week 4 and tackles Exodus!

We've made it through our first book of the bible! Congratulations to all who are reading along! Be sure you are logging into The Amazing Bible Race to take your quizzews and post your activities.

This week we journey into Exodus where we will learn about Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Pharaoh, the Plagues, the 10 commandments and all sorts of great things!

The readings this week are:

Day 1: Exodus 1-4

Day 2: Exodus 5-7

Day 3: Exodus 8-10

Day 4: Exodus 11-12

Day 5: Exodus 13-14

Keep reading and keep racing!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Amazing Bible Race Week 3!

Week 3 of the Amazing Bible Race is our last week in the book of Genesis. The readings this week are as follows:
Day 1: Genesis 35-37
Day 2: Genesis 28-41
Day 3: Genesis 42-45
Day 4: Genesis 46-48
Day 5: Genesis 49-50
If you've seen or heard the musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" you will recognize this weeks stories. Think about how the "musical version" is different from the Bible version.
Be sure you're keeping up with your readings!

Support Crop Walk!

If you know me at all, you know that social justice concerns are a BIG DEAL to me. One of the ways I address these concerns is through my participation in Crop Walk. Crop walk is an effort by local communities to help stop hunger. Walks are held each year and have rasied millions of dollars for hunger relief. The program is administered through Church World Service, but it addresses hunger internationally, during international and national crises (Hurricane Katrina for example) and also in the local communities where the walks are held.If you know me, you know i don't usually do this on this blog, but i'm asking friends and regular readers to consider making a small donation. If you'd be interested in sponsoring my walk, even for just $1, i'd really really appreciate it. You can click here to make a secure online donation. Thank you!


RALLY DAY and Open House

We held our first ever Open House on Saturday. While attendance was sparse, those who did come were treated to visits with the Rockford Fire Department, our police chief, various church and community organizations, and wonderful treats provided by the UMW. The youth presented one of their excellent puppet shows and we were treated to a concert by some members of our choirs.

We had a great time at our Rally Day celebration on Sunday. Although the weather was a little chilly, we were greatly warmed by the fellowship and worship we shared together outside on Court Street. It was quite an opportunity to get to worship out in nature!

The service started with a Processional Parade by our instrumentalists. They played I Will Enter His Gates. The Choir then shared an introit: A Jubilant Song. The scriptures for the day were 2 Corinthians 4: 7-11, 16-18 and John 12:24. Pastor Keith spoke about how our God is always picking up the pieces of our lives and doing something wonderful even in the face of adversity. He even broke a clay pot as an illustration! The Choir presented the anthem Total Praise and during the offertory, the Choir, Rejoice Ensemble, Children and Youth Choirs and insturments all performed a version of Jesus Loves Me.

The highlight of the service was the Benediction which included a release of butterflies. It was so beautiful to watch them flutter up toward the heavens. It was a great reminder of our duty to both Reach up! and Reach out!

Pictures will be online soon, please be sure to check back!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Amazing Bible Race week 2!

So...we are continuing our adventure through the greatest story ever told! While some of our team is still lagging behind on the quizzes and such, we are all doing a good job of doing the readings! Keep up the good work!
THis weeks readings are as follows:
Day 1: Genesis 16-19
Day 2: Genesis 20-23
Day 3: Genesis 24-26
Day 4: Genesis 27-30
Day 5: Genesis 31-34
Be sure to pay extra close attention to the story about Ishmael. I'll have some questions for you about that story.
Also, be sure you read carefully about Dinah. Her story doesn't get told very often and it has some important lessons.
We only have one more week in Genesis! Keep up the good work!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

And the Race BEGINS!!!!

We've started our race! The youth here at CSUMC have started the Amazing Bible Race which is a two year adventure to read the whole bible, take quizzes, and race against other youth from all over the United States.

We've started our journey in Genesis...where else to begin but at the beginning? For those who want to follow along, or if you're part of the race and haven't gotten your book yet, here are this weeks readings:

Day 1: Genesis 1-2
Day 2: Genesis 3-5
Day 3: Genesis 6-9
Day 4: Genesis 10-11
Day 5: Genesis 12-15

A few things to look out for:

Remember that more than one group of people put together the stories in Genesis. Remember that the word for God tells you which group did the writing. The sources of the Old Testament are called "JEPD" and you can find more information by clicking here.

You might also want to check out the ABR site for more information on the Bible, the Old Testament, and the way the whole thing came together.

Be sure you're keeping a list of questions you might have so when we get together on Sundays and Wednesdays we can catch up and talk about things. This sunday we'll be doing a modified version of a labryinth for the Fast Forward on "Day 5". See you then!