Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Sunday Summary: PALM SUNDAY!

It was a beautiful Palm Sunday here at CSUMC. Many thanks to Becca, Kathy, Nancy, Randiann, Bruce J, and Matt W for their help with the decorating. HUGE Kudos go to the Palm Weaving Class memebers for the decorations they created...they made our sanctuary so beautiful.

During the 8:00 and 8:45 services, Pastor Keith presented a dramatic reading of the Passion Narrative from Luke.

During the 10:45 service, there was a group reading of the passion presented by Helen Gibbons, Randiann King, Jim Gibbons, Rob Wandell, and Bruce Martin. They did a beautiful job! There was also WONDERFUL music from the Kids Choir and the Chancel Choir with their versions of Hosanna!

Next Sunday is Easter! Worship with us here at 10am!

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